Here are just a few of the many projects we’ve undertaken. Please contact us should you have any questions.
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Family Aquatic Complex,
Date Completed: Under Construction (June 2013)
Total Value: $80 MM
Owner/Architect: Barry Bryan Associates (1991)
Contact Name: Dennis Bryan PEng
Konsolidated Structural was engaged as specialty structural sub-consultant to provide analysis and design of long-span portions of the structure housing an Olympic size swimming pool and competitive diving tank. Additionally, the lateral load resisting system comprising a system of full-height braced bays was designed in structural steel to resist seismic and wind loads in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. Rigorous computer analysis of the structural system utilizing CSI’s SAP2000, reinforced by Konsolidated team’s extensive consulting experience, facilitated an efficient and constructable design of the structural components that seamlessly integrated into the stunning architecture of this facility. The most prominent portion of Konsolidated’s efforts is the 12.5 foot deep truss structure clear spanning the nearly 150 ft. wide Natatorium. The design-build contract was secured by a joint venture between EllisDon Construction & DeAngelis Construction of Windsor Ontario on behalf of a team that included three architecture firms led by HCMA of Vancouver/Victoria BC. This design and coordination of the FAC was conducted primarily in Autodesk’s Revit BIM environment.
University of Toronto – University College Load Study
Date Completed: August 2012
Total Value: TBD
Owner/Architect: Taylor | Hazell Architects
Contact Name: Charles Hazell
As part of an initiative to reinstate the original library that, up to the late 1800’s, was housed in the East wing of the University College main building, Konsolidated Structural was retained by the University to conduct a structural investigation and assessment of the existing structural system that would be affected by this future project. In the absence of complete record drawings for the original construction and any renovations completed to date, our firm conducted a non-destructive on-site investigation to record the existing structural system comprising the second floor of the historic building and the supporting elements. A detailed analysis of the structural elements was conducted with the intent of establishing a reserve structural capacity capable of supporting the necessary occupancy requirements presented by the proposed library reinstatement project. Our study concluded that on account of more recent undocumented changes made to the second floor structural system, reinforcement of structural elements would be required, and as part of our recommendations our firm presented several alternatives aimed at minimizing the construction cost and intrusiveness of the construction while maintaining construct-ability requirements and providing the load capacity required for the library project to advance. With our phase completed, we eagerly await announcement of the University’s proposal for the library reinstatement project.
Ravensview Water Treatment Plant – Rooftop Solar PV Study
Date Completed: In Progress
Total Value: TBD
Owner/Architect: RESCo Energy Inc.
Contact Name: David Booz PEng
Phone No: 416-361-0752
One of numerous projects of this type completed for RESCo Energy as part of Ontario’s Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program, this particular project entailed an on-site structural review of approximately 10 existing buildings at the municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. The objective was to assess existing structural systems for their suitability to accommodate a roof-mounted photo-voltaic (PV) panel array installation. Konsolidated’s initial review indicated three (3) buildings as potential candidates – the roof structures of these buildings were evaluated in detail to more precisely determine the reserve structural capacity available in relation to the anticipated loading imposed by the proposed system of PV panels and the racking & ballast required to safely secure the panel array to the rooftop. Evaluation was based on original base building drawings, confirmed on site, and supported by detailed structural analysis. Our study concluded that two (2) of the three (3) buildings were suitable for the construction of the proposed PV system. Detailed PV installation design is presently underway in conjunction with the acquisition of the recently introduced FIT 2.0 contract for clean power generation.
Canada Post Evaluation – 772 Dovercourt Road
Date Completed: September 2012
Total Value: Undisclosed
Client: Confidential
Contact Name: Confidential
Konsolidated Structural was engaged by a potential purchaser of this Canada Post facility to provide a structural assessment of this single-storey building (with a full basement level) prior to formal closing of the sale. The purchaser also included a proviso in the scope of services to explore the potential of constructing a second floor addition to the existing structure. The building was originally constructed as a neighbourhood post office as well as a local distribution centre, and the purchaser was intending on converting the building to a television studio and administrative offices. Structural or architectural drawings for the original construction of the building were not available, consequently presenting a critical challenge to providing useful and meaningful recommendations. The engineering report provided by Konsolidated was based on visual non-destructive site investigation, corresponding measurements and engineering judgement related to similar structural systems encountered. In addition to our endorsement of the existing structure’s condition and intended performance, our conclusions regarding the addition of a future level to the building outlined the challenges posed by lack of original drawing information while outlining further investigation and testing processes that would be required to advance design and construction. It is our understanding that the purchase of the property was successfully completed.
Sunny Day Energy 3 – 3636 Weston Road
Date Completed: August 2012
Total Value: Undisclosed
Owner/Architect: RESCo Energy Inc.
Contact Name: David Booz PEng
To date one of the largest rooftop solar PV installations in the country at 727 kW DC generation, the project relied on establishing adequate reserve load capacity provided by the existing structural system. In the absence of original structural documents for the single storey industrial building, the structural scope demanded extensive site-investigations of the existing structural system and its components, entailing site measurements of member characteristics and material testing to confirm steel grades. On the basis of the information gathered, rigorous analysis was needed to back-calculate the existing structure’s design capacities. Further site investigation was required to assess the weights of existing building assemblies in order to quantify present load-demands on the structural system. As the feasibility of the PV retrofit relied on adequate reserve capacities inherent in the existing structural system, great care coupled with sound engineering judgment was needed to conduct an extremely precise evaluation. Furthermore, in order to mitigate additional effects on base-building wind loads and snow accumulations, Konsolidated Structural became familiar with our client’s products to better advise them on the subtle limitations to layout and physical characteristics of the ballast, racking, and panel array. By retaining our structural engineering consulting services, our client was able to complete the project with minimal reinforcement requirements to existing structural elements.